世界經濟論壇(The World Economic Forum)使命

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日期:2025/01/05   IA

The World Economic Forum


在一個充滿複雜挑戰的世界中,世界經濟論壇吸引政治、商業、學術、民間社會和其他社會領導人參與制定全球、區域和產業議程。它成立於 1971 年,是一個非營利基金會,獨立、公正,不與任何特殊利益掛鉤,堅持最高的治理標準以及道德和知識誠信。


論壇透過其 10 個中心履行促進應對系統性挑戰取得進展的承諾,每個中心均運用該機構獨特的影響方法組合來推動整體努力。這些中心建立了對於應對大規模全球挑戰至關重要的目標社群。在這些社群的指導下,我們的中心團隊透過結構化的多年計畫和洞察力將雄心壯志轉化為有針對性的行動。


Our Mission
The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. It provides a global, impartial and not-for-profit platform for meaningful connection between stakeholders to establish trust, and build initiatives for cooperation and progress.

In a world marked by complex challenges, the World Economic Forum engages political, business, academic, civil society and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation, it is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests, upholding the highest standards of governance and moral and intellectual integrity.

At the heart of our mission of improving the state of the world lies the belief in the power of human ingenuity, entrepreneurship, innovation and cooperation. We recognise the need for a forum fostering rigorous and respectful dialogue between and among leaders with different beliefs and viewpoints, where diversity of thought is respected and all voices can be heard. Achieving this mission is made possible by all our stakeholders, who come together to find common ground and seize opportunities for positive change.

The Forum’s commitment on facilitating progress on systemic challenges is taken forward through its 10 Centres, each applying the institution’s unique combination of impact methods to drive holistic efforts. The Centres build communities of purpose essential to addressing large-scale global challenges. Guided by these communities, our centre teams convert ambition into focused action, through structured multi-year initiatives and insight generation.

Together, we continue to strive for a better world, where cooperation and trust lead to lasting progress.