全球數字營銷大師 湯斌博士《破解全球小型企業的數字營銷密碼》|諾亞事業集團|Noah Group

全球之星 人氣:567

日期:2023/07/27   IA


Global Digital Marketing Master "From Local to Global: Cracking the Digital Marketing Code for Global Small Businesses - by Dr. Tang Bin"|Noah Foundation-Noah Business Group

From Local to Global: Cracking the Digital Marketing Code for Global Small Businesses.


About | Forbes Books


湯斌博士著  圖書策劃大師 康納·霍根 (Connor Hogan)


親愛的湯斌博士,2023 年 7 月 25 日

很高興與您談論您的書籍想法! 你看待世界的方式很敏銳,為之前可能沒有註意到的其他人揭示模式和結構。 這顯然就是為什麼許多世界各地的小型企業紛紛湧向諾亞數字,尋求您對其數字營銷的看法戰略。 對於那些感覺自己正在數字洪流中涉水的客戶來說,您代表了一個確定的避風港。 到繼續您的努力,我很榮幸向您介紹您即將到來的圖書計劃書《從本地到全球:破解全球小型企業的數字營銷密碼》。

我對諾亞背後的故事以及為什麼選擇他作為公司名稱非常感興趣。 你提到您希望確保您的客戶在與您合作時能夠長期生存。

然而,生存並不是您的組織與諾亞共有的唯一品質。 你們都提供信心和安全

一個動盪且不可預測的空間。 而且,就像諾亞一樣,當他收到上帝關於方舟的指示時,正如您對生物信息學的興趣所證明的那樣,您對細節的一絲不苟導致了製勝策略適用於世界各地的小型企業。 我在下面詳細介紹了您的讀者如何取得類似的成功。

請注意,這本書計劃只是您出版之旅的第一步。 我告訴你這個是因為重要的是要將本書計劃視為一份動態文檔,它可以在您撰寫書籍的過程中發生變化。


但是,如果我們需要進行任何重大更改,請告訴我們。 在我們繼續下一步之前

階段,我們希望確信這本書計劃的聲音、風格和語氣能夠以一種能夠反映你的故事的方式作者你感覺很準確。 請注意本文檔中任何感覺不妥或錯誤的地方,我將做出修改必要的改變。真摯地,康納·霍根 (Connor Hogan),圖書策劃大師

Dear Dr. Tang,  July 25, 2023 

It was such a pleasure chatting with you about your book idea! You have a keen way of seeing the world, revealing patterns and structures for others who may not have previously noticed. This is clearly why many small businesses worldwide have flocked to Noah Digital to seek your perspective on their digital marketing strategy. You represent a haven of certainty for your clients who feel they are wading in the digital flood. To continue your work in that endeavor, I am honored to present you with the book plan for your upcoming book, From Local to Global: Cracking the Digital Marketing Code for Global Small Businesses.

I was very much drawn to your story behind Noah and why you chose him for your business’s name. You mentioned that you wanted to ensure that your clients survived for a long time when they partnered with you.

Yet survival is not the only quality your organization shares with Noah. You both offer assuredness and safety in a turbulent and unpredictable space. And, like Noah when he received the instructions for the Ark from God,

your meticulous attention to detail, as proven by your interest in bioinformatics, has led to a winning strategy for small businesses across the world. I’ve detailed how your readers can achieve similar success below.

Please note that this book plan is only the first step in your journey toward publishing. I tell you this because it’s important to see this book plan as a living document that can change throughout your time writing your book.

In fact, it must change as your idea grows and chapters begin to take shape.

However, if there are any big changes we need to make, please let us know. Before we move on to the next phase, we want to be confident that the voice, style, and tone of this book plan reflect your story in a way that feels accurate to you, the author. Please note anything that feels off or wrong in this document, and I will make

the necessary changes.

Sincerely,Connor Hogan, Master Book Planner


核心信息1:我們的世界是建立在模式之上的。 理解這些模式會帶來勝利


○ 我們 DNA 中的代碼與引導我們做出決定的代碼之間存在某種關係

購買。 湯斌博士在生物信息學和數字營銷方面擁有深厚的專業知識,




○ 每天,越來越多的交易發生在網上。 隨著我們變得更加數字化世界,國界消失,您的客戶可以位於任何地方。 為了不得到企業必須在大量客戶中迷失,必須採用全球營銷方法超越文化和語言障礙。

核心信息 3:任何企業都可以通過七個步驟來製定數字營銷策略所有者可以用來放大品牌信息、銷售產品並吸引新客戶

○湯博士與來自世界各地的企業合作,擴大他們的影響力,增強他們的營銷策略並滿足客戶的需求。 他的經驗和專業知識促使他創建了一個七步流程,可以增強任何企業的營銷策略。

概括我們的世界是建立在模式之上的。 您可以在大海的運動和海水的完美和諧中看到它們。

扭曲你的 DNA 螺旋。 無論您身在何處,這些模式都決定了事物如何相互作用和表現我們的自然世界。 我們新興的數字世界也模仿這些自然序列。 但它不是蛋白質鏈影響我們的在線互動,但數字和算法的節奏決定了我們訪問哪些網站開放,我們使用什麼社交網絡,甚至我們購買什麼。 然而,對於未經訓練的人來說,我們的數字世界可能看起來一片混亂,可能會讓一家小企業陷入困境。 諸如設計之類的術語和開發、轉化率優化以及付費搜索與有機搜索,小企業主可能會覺得他們在數字洪流中原地踏步。 隨著我們的世界日益全球化,企業跨國界在接觸受眾方面面臨著一系列新的挑戰。


世界。 在他的著作《從本地到全球:破解全球小型企業的數字營銷密碼》中,他概述了他幫助小企業主躋身頂峰的數字營銷方法。 擁有背景湯博士憑藉生物信息學和對營銷的深刻理解,展示了自然模式如何幫助您業務脫穎而出並吸引您所需的受眾,使您的業務取得成功。 湯博士生的七步法方法旨在幫助任何地方的小型企業了解他們的營銷需求並建立真正的他們的數字營銷策略的全球方法。 在《從本地到全球》中,小企業主會發現有用的指南將安全地將他們的業務帶入下一次成功的視野。

Purpose of This Book

● Core Message 1: Our world is built on patterns. Understanding those patterns leads to a winning digital marketing strategy.

○ There is a relationship between the code in our DNA and the code that leads us to make purchases. With deep expertise in bioinformatics and digital marketing, Dr. Bin Tang shares his philosophy for understanding consumer behavior that can energize any small business’s strategy.

● Core Message 2: As our world becomes more digital, a global approach to digital marketing is necessary to maximize your business’s potential

○ Every day, more and more transactions are happening online. And as we become a more digital world, national borders disappear, and your customers can be located anywhere. To not get lost in this flood of customers, businesses must adopt a global approach to their marketing that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.

● Core Message 3: There are seven steps to building your digital marketing strategy that any business owner can use to amplify their brand’s message, sell their product and attract new customers

○ Dr. Tang has worked with businesses from across the globe to grow their reach, enhance their marketing strategy and meet their customer’s needs. His experience and expertise have led him to create a seven-step process that can supercharge any business’ marketing strategy.


Our world is built on patterns. You can see them in the perfect harmony of the movement of the sea and in the twisting helix of your DNA. No matter where you are, these patterns dictate how things interact and behave in our natural world. Our emerging digital world mimics these natural sequences as well. Yet it isn’t protein chains that impact our online interactions, but rhythms of numbers and algorithms that determine what websites we open, what social networks we use, and even what we buy. To the untrained eye, however, the movements of our digital world can look like a chaotic mess that could put a small business under water. With terms like design and development, conversion rate optimization, and paid vs. organic search, small business owners can feel like they’re treading water in a digital flood. And with our world becoming more global every day, businesses that cross borders face a whole host of new challenges in reaching their audiences.

Dr. Bin Tang has made it his life’s work to understand the patterns at play in both our natural and our digital worlds. In his book From Local to Global: Cracking the Digital Marketing Code for Global Small Businesses, he outlines his approach to digital marketing that helps small business owners rise to the top. With a background in

bioinformatics and a deep understanding of marketing, Dr. Tang shows how natural patterns can help your business stand out and reach the audiences you need to make your business a success. Dr. Tang’s seven-step approach is designed to help small businesses anywhere understand their marketing needs and build a truly global approach to their digital marketing strategy. In From Local to Global, small business owners will find a helpful guide that will safely navigate their business into the horizon of their next success.



湯博士講述了他如何從一名生物信息學博士成為一名生物信息學博士。 數字營銷高手的學生是成為本書敘述的一部分。 因此,他的故事應該包含在數字營銷中他的書中描述了方法論。 因為算法存在於他的兩個工作領域中,所以敘述

應該有一個讀者可以輕鬆遵循的模式,讓他們更好地理解唐博士的課程關於全球經濟中的營銷。 最後,這本書應該面向那些努力工作的企業和商業領袖。

跨越文化和國家界限來開展工作。 作為一名世界公民,唐博士可以帶來他的觀點致力於新興的全球經濟,並幫助其他希望將影響力擴展到其範圍之外的商界領袖自己的國家。


湯博士有著永不滿足的好奇心。 他了解周圍世界的動力只能反映在他的

渴望與那些選擇傾聽的人分享他的教訓。 這本書應該像一位專家分享他們的生活工作以及激發該工作靈感的生活。 他還有著謙虛幽默的性格,不容錯過


Storytelling Approach/Guiding Principles

Dr. Tang’s story of how he went from being a bioinformatics Ph.D. student to a digital marketing whiz is integral to this book’s narrative. As such, his story should be wrapped up within the digital marketing methodology described in his book. Because algorithms are present in both areas of his work, the narrative should have a pattern that the reader can easily follow, allowing them to better understand Dr. Tang’s lessons on marketing in a global economy. Finally, this book should speak to businesses and business leaders that work across cultural and national boundaries to do their work. As a global citizen, Dr. Tang can bring his perspective to an emerging global economy and help other business leaders who wish to extend their reach beyond their own country.


Dr. Tang has an insatiable curiosity. His drive to understand the world around him is only mirrored by his desire to share his lessons with those who choose to listen. This book should feel like an expert sharing their life’s work and the life that inspired that work. He also has a humble and humorous nature that should not be missed in the tone of his book.

Target Audience Small business owners who work in a global market and sell products and services to audiences that cross cultural boundaries.


由於這本書一半是回憶錄,一半是關於數字營銷的宣言,所以每一章都應該以 Dr.湯的故事,然後進入他通過研究得出的關於數字營銷的核心發現模式。 下面是擬議結構的細分:

1) 湯博士的人生故事




5) 讀者如何運用從本章中學到的經驗教訓

推薦的 ISBN 類別

在此階段,我們建議將本書歸類為商業與經濟學 - 營銷 - 綜合。


本書的主要重點是為小型企業提供營銷策略和解決方案擁有者。 這與營銷主題領域密切相關。

● 這本書採用了廣泛的營銷方法,而不是僅僅關注某一專業領域,例如社交媒體市場營銷。 所以一般子類別最有意義。

● 全球小型企業角度提供了重要背景,但營銷仍然是核心主題。 這國際商務類別不包含營銷重點。

總而言之,將本標題置於《商業與經濟 - 營銷 - 通用》(以及任何相關的數字子類別)下,與本書為全球提供通用營銷指導的基調和目標保持一致。

Chapter Structure

Since this book is part memoir, part manifesto on digital marketing, each chapter should start with some of Dr. Tang’s story and then move into a core discovery that he made about digital marketing through his study of patterns. Below, find a breakdown of the proposed structure:

1) Story from Dr. Tang’s life

2) Digital Marketing Theme

3) Connecting Dr. Tang’s story to the theme of the chapter

4) Solutions tied to the Theme of the Chapter

5) How the reader can implement the lessons learned from the Chapter

Recommended ISBN category

At this stage, we recommend categorizing this book as Business & Economics - Marketing - General.

Some key reasons:

● The primary focus of the book is providing marketing strategies and solutions for small business owners. This aligns closely with the Marketing subject area.

● The book takes a broad approach to marketing rather than just focusing on one specialization like social media marketing. So the General sub-category makes the most sense.

● The global small business angle provides important context, but Marketing is still the core subject. The International Business category would not encompass the marketing focus.

In sum, placing this title under Business & Economics - Marketing - General (and any related digital sub[1]categories) aligns with both the tone and goals of the book in providing general marketing guidance for global small business owners




PART II: The Book Plan From Local to Global

Cracking the Digital Marketing Code for Global Small BusinessesBy Dr. Bin Tang




注意:除了向奉獻者表示敬意之外,奉獻還傳達了您對本書的投入。 它說



這將是一頁,可能是兩頁,您可以在其中感謝那些您認為在懷孕過程中發揮重要作用的人你的書。 有時,您認識的人也可能會被聯繫來撰寫促銷簡介

書的封面。關於作者  這是一本單頁閱讀器,將向讀者介紹您。 此頁可以包含在書內和/或用於本書的封底,以宣傳您作為該主題的權威

Front Matter


This will be a line or two, if you wish, naming the person or persons you would like to honor with this book.

Often this is as simple as “To Jane” or “To John” but may also include a few words about why they are (or were) important to you.

NOTE: In addition to honoring the dedicatee, a dedication communicates your investment in the book. It tells the reader that you consider the book a worthy dedication.


This will be a page, possibly two, in which you thank those whom you feel played important roles in conceiving your book. Sometimes, the people you acknowledge could also be approached to write promotional blurbs for the book cover.

About the Author This is a one-pager that will introduce the reader to you. This page can be included on the inside of the book  and/or used for the back cover of the book to promote you as an authority on this subject

目錄 介紹

第 1 章 - 算法、審計和策略制定

第 2 章 - 創造力與科學的結合

第 3 章 - 全球數字社區

第 4 章 - 跟踪客戶的模式

第 5 章 - 他們如何找到你

第 6 章 - 您的社交企業

第 7 章 - 測試優化覆蓋範圍的策略

第 8 章 - 用數據入侵您的業務

第 9 章 - 小型企業人工智能指南

第 10 章 - 讓您的小型企業面向未來


Table of Contents


Chapter 1 - Algorithms, Auditing, and Strategizing

Chapter 2 - Creativity Combined With Science

Chapter 3 - A Global Digital Community

Chapter 4 - Tracking Your Customer’s Patterns

Chapter 5 - How They Find You

Chapter 6 - Your Social Business

Chapter 7 - Testing Strategies to Optimize Your Reach

Chapter 8 - Hacking Your Business with Data

Chapter 9 - The Small Business Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 10 - Future-proof Your Small Business




他今天就是這樣。 重點介紹他移民到威斯康星州學習生物信息學的經歷以及他的原因對那項工作感興趣。 展示這項研究與他作為數字營銷策略師的工作有何相關性。

此外,湯博士作為移民的經歷向讀者展示了他如何幫助企業存在於文化和邊界之間。 最後,參考唐博士深厚的信仰以及他如何創造諾亞數字化企業做得很好,可以為陷入困境的企業提供避風港數字營銷的噪音。 在介紹結束時向讀者強調他們可以期待提示和可以增強他們的營銷策略、擴大他們的在線影響力並優化他們的轉化的想法費率。


Start by giving the reader an overview of Dr. Bin Tang’s life and how he became the expert in digital marketing that he is today. Highlight his experience of immigrating to Wisconsin to study bioinformatics and why he was interested in that work. Show how this study is relevant to his work as a digital marketing strategist.

Additionally, Dr. Tang’s experience as an immigrant demonstrates to the reader how he can help businesses that exist across culture and boundaries. Finally, reference Dr. Tang’s deep faith and how he wanted to create Noah Digital, a business that did good work that could provide a safe haven for businesses that are drowning in the noise of digital marketing. End the introduction by highlighting for the reader that they can expect tips and ideas that can supercharge their marketing strategy, grow their online presence, and optimize their conversion rates.

第 1 章 - 算法、審計和策略制定



● 是什麼發現讓他將這兩種不同的科學聯繫在一起?

● 他是如何開始認識到自然界的模式也存在於計算機科學中的?

從這裡開始,向讀者展示他們的業務如何具有自然模式。 他們的業務模式

管理他們的運營方式、吸引的客戶以及他們的銷售。 然而,一些企業領導人並不了解其業務的內部運作。 要了解如何改善業務,他們必須進行對他們的業務進行審計,這將有助於他們清楚地了解其業務的運營情況。 從那裡,他們必須製作一個引導他們的業務取得成功的戰略。

第 2 章 - 創造力與科學的結合

對於湯博士來說,數字營銷是創造力與科學的結合。 這兩個領域都有助於良好的用戶體驗並為企業的數字化形象創造價值。 當他著手建造時,他了解到了這一點諾亞數碼. 他會發現特定的顏色會影響客戶的決策過程。

● 創造力如何融入數字營銷?

● 企業可以做些什麼來為其營銷策略注入一些創造力?

● 他們如何平衡創造力與策略?

這引導我們進入湯博士的下一步業務——網站優化。 如今,您的網站是其中之一讓您的企業脫穎而出的因素。 為了確保它到達正確的受眾,它需要能夠吸引他們注意力的設計。

Chapter 2 - Creativity Combined With Science

For Dr. Tang, Digital Marketing is creativity combined with science. Both of these fields contribute to a good user experience and create value for a business’s digital presence. He learned this as he was setting out to build Noah Digital. He would see that specific colors impacted a customer’s decision-making process.

● How does creativity factor into Digital marketing?

● What can businesses do to inject some creativity into their marketing strategy?

● How do they balance creativity with strategy?

This leads us to Dr. Tang’s next step for businesses–Website Optimization. Nowadays, your website is one of the things that make your business stand out from the crowd. To ensure it reaches the right audiences, it needs a design that can catch their attention.

第 3 章 - 全球數字社區

本章講述湯博士作為世界公民的經歷。 表明他對與合作的承諾美國、加拿大和中國的中文業務。 以下是一些需要考慮的問題:

● 他來北美的經歷是怎樣的?

● 這對他作為學生和企業主的經歷有何影響?

● 是什麼促使唐博士致力於為三個不同國家的華人企業提供服務?

這裡介紹一下服務跨境企業的話題。 突出顯示多語言業務在製定數字營銷策略時必須考慮。

第 4 章 - 跟踪客戶的模式


顧客。 在本章中,介紹如何跟踪客戶的購買模式及其與轉化的關係速率跟踪。 重點介紹 Noah Digital 在剛開始時如何進行轉化率跟踪,以及他們與客戶分享的任何經驗教訓。 以下是一些需要考慮的問題:

● Noah Digital 在成立之初是如何處理轉化率跟踪的?

● 什麼是轉化率跟踪,以及小型企業如何開始了解客戶的轉化率?模式?

● 小型企業如何優化其轉化率跟踪?

● 對於跨語言和文化的企業來說,轉化跟踪有哪些複雜之處?邊界?


第 5 章 - 他們如何找到你

如果客戶找不到他們,任何企業都無法成功。 本章介紹付費搜索和自然搜索以及如何這會影響小企業的成功。 本章從涵蓋所有不同的搜索算法開始 唐博士在他的整個職業生涯中都遇到過。 從這裡開始,過渡到付費搜索和自然搜索有何不同以及小型企業在搜索引擎優化時應該考慮什麼。

● 什麼算法控制我們的搜索引擎? 小型企業如何才能在搜索中獲得最佳定位


● 什麼是付費搜索,什麼是自然搜索? 它們有何不同以及有何相似之處?

● 不同國家的搜索引擎如何影響全球小型企業?



Chapter 3 - A Global Digital Community In this chapter, talk about Dr. Tang’s experience as a global citizen. Show his commitment to working with Chinese Language businesses in the United States, Canada, and China. Here are some questions to consider:

● What was his experience coming to North America?

● How did that shape his experience as a student and as a business owner?

● What led Dr. Tang to commit to serving Chinese language businesses in three different countries?

Here, introduce the topic of serving businesses that work across borders. Highlight what multilingual businesses  must consider when creating their digital marketing strategy.

Chapter 4 - Tracking Your Customer’s Patterns

Once an entrepreneur has taken the time to build a business, and its digital presence, it’s time to open it up for customers. In this chapter, cover how to track a customer’s buying patterns and how that relates to conversion rate tracking. Highlight how Noah Digital approached Conversion Rate Tracking when they first started and any lessons they learned that they share with their clients. Here are some questions to consider:

● How did Noah Digital handle conversion rate tracking when they started their organization?

● What is conversion rate tracking, and how can small businesses begin to understand their customer’s


● How can a small business optimize its conversion rate tracking?

● What are the intricacies of conversion tracking for a business that crosses linguistic and cultural borders?

Wrap up this chapter by highlighting how a small business should strategize around conversion rate tracking and any key findings they can work towards implementing in their own business.

Chapter 5 - How They Find You

No business can succeed if its customers can’t find them. This chapter covers Paid and Organic Search and how that impacts a small business’s success. Start this chapter by covering all the different search algorithms Dr. Tang has encountered throughout his career. From there, transition into how paid and organic search are different and what a small business should think about when it comes to Search Engine Optimization.

● What algorithms govern our search engines? How can a small business best position itself on a search page?

● What is paid search and what is organic search? How are they different and how are they similar?

● How do search engines from different countries impact global small businesses? End this chapter by referencing how important it is that your customers can search for your business online and how they can begin to improve the search ratings for their business.


第 6 章 - 您的社交企業

隨著社交媒體的興起,世界各地的小企業必須了解客戶想要如何參與在各種社交平台上與他們互動。 對於全球企業來說,這種努力會因各種社會因素而倍增。

客戶獨有的平台。 從唐博士使用社交媒體的經歷以及如何他建議他的客戶在社交媒體上定位自己。

● 全球企業應該了解其客戶可能使用的各種社交平台


● 企業如何在社交媒體上定位自己以接觸客戶?

● 企業要想獲得成功,其社會戰略必須做到哪幾件事?


第 7 章 - 測試優化覆蓋範圍的策略

一旦小企業製定了成功的營銷策略,他們就必須了解其在全球範圍內的運作方式。這就是測試和轉化率優化發揮作用的地方。 討論湯博士的方法轉化率優化以及他是如何首次提出這種方法的。 這裡有一些問題要問考慮:

● 小型企業可以通過哪些方式實施基本測試策略?

● 小型企業應該測試什麼?


Chapter 6 - Your Social Business With the rise of social media, small businesses everywhere must understand how their customers want to engage with them on various social platforms. For a global business, this effort is multiplied by the various social platforms unique to their customers. Start with a story from Dr. Tang’s experience with social media and how he advises his customers to position themselves on social media.

 ● What should a global business know about the variety of social platforms that their customers may be using?

● How can a business position itself on social media to reach its customers?

● What are the few things a business must do with its social strategy to be successful? Finish off this chapter by pulling out a few key takeaways for the reader and how they can create a social strategy that works for their broader marketing tactics. Chapter 7 - Testing Strategies to Optimize Your Reach Once a small business has devised a winning marketing strategy, they have to see how it operates worldwide. This is where testing and conversion rate optimization comes into play. Discuss Dr. Tang’s approach to conversion rate optimization and how he first came up with this approach. Here are some questions to consider: ● What are some ways a small business can implement a basic testing strategy? ● What should a small business test for?

● 如何針對全球企業的不同類型客戶進行測試?


第 8 章 - 用數據入侵您的業務

小企業可能不堪重負的另一種方式是當他們開始使用數據來增加業務時他們的業務效率。 然而,數據仍然是小型企業持續發展的最強大工具之一生長。 本章將詳細介紹小型企業如何充分利用其數據。 從一個軼事開始湯博士用數據的經驗來吸引讀者。以下是一些需要考慮的問題

● 小型企業如何將數據轉化為銷售額?

○ 他們如何正確衡量?

○ 他們如何組織數據以免數據過多?

○ 如何使用數據影響您的設計?

○ 如何在正確的時間聯繫到正確的人?

● 企業應該跟踪哪些類型的數據?

● 全球企業如何跟踪和維護其數據?


第 9 章 - 小型企業人工指南


在當今的全球市場中,新技術每天都在湧現。 人工智能勢在必行改變我們中有多少人在世界上做生意和經營。 在本章中,湯斌博士提供了他的對人工智能的看法 以及它如何幫助小型企業在全球市場中運作。 這裡有一些問題考慮:

● 小型企業如何利用人工智能為其營銷策略創建內容?

● 小型企業如何使用人工智能來組織和衡量他們的數據?

● 未來小企業如何利用AI?

● 為什麼人工智能對於全球小型企業特別重要?

● 如何針對全球企業的不同類型客戶進行測試?


● How do you test for different types of customers for a global business?

At the end of this chapter, show the reader the importance and power of testing and how it ensures that a small business stays ahead of the curve in their market.

Chapter 8 - Hacking Your Business with DataAnother way that small businesses can become overwhelmed is when they start to use data to increase the efficiency of their business. And yet data is still one of the most powerful tools for a small business’s continued growth. This chapter will detail how a small business can get the most out of its data. Start with an anecdote from Dr. Tang’s experience with data to draw the reader in. Here are some questions to consider

● How does a small business convert data into sales?

○ How do they measureappropriately?

○ How do they organize their data so it isn’t overwhelming?

○ How can you use data to affect your design?

○ How do you reach the right person at the right time?

● What kinds of data should a business be tracking?

● How does a global business track and maintain its data?

Summarize this chapter in the last few pages and include key takeaways for the reader as it pertains to data.

Chapter 9 - The Small Business Guide to Artificial


In today’s global marketplace, new technologies are cropping up every day. Artificial Intelligence stands to change how many of us do business and operate in the world. In this chapter, Dr. Bin Tang provides his perspective on A.I. and how it can help small businesses work within a global market. Here are some questions

to consider:

● How can small businesses use AI to create content for their marketing strategy?

● How can a small business use AI to organize and measure their data?

● How will small businesses use AI in the future?

● Why is AI particularly important for a global small business?

● How do you test for different types of customers for a global business?

At the end of this chapter, show the reader the importance and power of testing and how it ensures that a small business stays ahead of the curve in their market.

● 博客主題#[3]:登陸頁面的重要性

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 描述:在此博客中,描述為什麼登陸頁面很重要以及小型企業如何應該設計一種能夠觸及目標受眾的產品。

● 相關性:第 2 章

● 博客主題#[4]:使用數據的方法

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 描述:在這篇清單式的博客文章中,唐博士展示了小型企業可以實現的所方式利用他們的數據

● 相關性:第 8 章

● 博客主題#[5]:社交小型企業

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 描述:該博客探討了全球小型企業應如何處理其社交媒體媒體策略

● 相關性:第 6 章

● 博客主題#[6]:自然和營銷中的算法

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 描述:該博客介紹了唐博士的生物信息學背景如何塑造他的數字化營銷方式

● 相關性:簡介

● 博客主題#[7]:如何使用付費搜索

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 簡介:唐博士揭示了他對付費搜索策略的看法以及全球小型企業如何企業可以從其實施中受益

● 相關性:第 5 章

● 博客主題#[8]:訪問者、客戶、品牌忠實者

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 描述:湯博士在此討論了他最重要的轉化率優化策略


● 相關性:第 4 章

● Blog Topic #[3]: The Importance of a Landing Page

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: For this blog, describe why a landing page is important and how a small business

should design one that reaches their target audience.

● Relevance: Chapter 2

● Blog Topic #[4]: Ways to Use Data

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: In this listicle style blog post, Dr. Tang shows all the ways a small business can

take advantage of their data

● Relevance: Chapter 8

● Blog Topic #[5]: The Social Small Business

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: This blog goes over how a global small business should approach their social

media strategy

● Relevance: Chapter 6

● Blog Topic #[6]: Algorithms in Nature and in Marketing

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: This blog covers how Dr. Tang’s background in bioinformatics shapes his digital

marketing approach

● Relevance: Introduction

● Blog Topic #[7]: How to Use Paid Search

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: Dr. Tang reveals his perspective on Paid Search tactics and how a global small

business can benefit from their implementation

● Relevance: Chapter 5

● Blog Topic #[8]: Visitors to Customers to Brand Loyalists

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: Dr. Tang discusses his most important conversion rate optimization tactics in this

blog posts and shows how to track a customer for a global small business

● Relevance: Chapter 4


● 博客主題#[9]:擴大您的有機覆蓋範圍

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 描述:本博客重點介紹了唐博士發展全球小型企業的策略搜索引擎上的有機影響力

● 相關性:第 5 章

● 博客主題#[10]:審核和測試

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 描述:使用此博客討論審計和測試之間固有的緊張關係全球小型企業

● 相關性:第 1 章、第 7 章

● 博客主題#[11]:小型企業的科學方法

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 描述:本博客回顧了唐博士測試數字營銷策略的理念以及這如何塑造企業增長

● 相關性:第 7 章

● 博客主題#[12]:數字營銷的主要趨勢

● 聽眾:全球商界領袖

● 描述:在這篇博客中,唐博士討論了他的數字營銷的主要趨勢以及如何


● 相關性:第 10 章

● Blog Topic #[9]: Expanding Your Organic Reach

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: This blog highlights Dr. Tang’s tactics for growing a global small business’s

organic reach on search engines

● Relevance: Chapter 5

● Blog Topic #[10]: Auditing and Testing

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: Use this blog to discuss the inherent tension between auditing and testing for a

global small business

● Relevance: Chapter 1, Chapter 7

● Blog Topic #[11]: The Scientific Method for Small Businesses

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: This blog goes over Dr. Tang’s philosophy on testing digital marketing strategies

and how that shapes a businesses growth

● Relevance: Chapter 7

● Blog Topic #[12]: Top Trends in Digital Marketing

● Audience: Global Business Leaders

● Description: In this blog, Dr. Tang discusses his top trends for digital marketing and how a

global small business can take advantage of them for their business

● Relevance: Chapter 10