獨 U.N 國際人類博愛日 揭秘》人類兄弟情誼促進和平與合作, 根據《聯合國憲章》和國際法,充分尊重各國主權;充分尊重和促進所有人權和基本自由

GCWPA 日期:2025/02/05    Frank Chen

U.N 人類兄弟情誼促進和平與合作
在國際人類博愛日(2 月 4 日)這一天,隨著歧視和不容忍現像不斷增加,重新致力於平等、團結和相互尊重的必要性從未像現在這樣迫切。由教宗方濟各與艾資哈爾大伊瑪目謝赫艾哈邁德埃爾特耶布共同撰寫的《人類博愛促進世界和平與共同生活》宣言是不同宗教間和諧與和平共處的重要框架。在這一願景的指導下,認識到人類的共同紐帶並共同努力建立團結與和平的未來仍然至關重要。

面對無數考驗我們集體精神和人性的全球衝突,人類友愛的必要性從未如此迫切。社會工作的核心體現了和平、合作的原則以及對每個人尊嚴和價值的堅定信念。它在調解衝突、建立永續社區和推動實現持久和平的變革方面發揮關鍵作用。 《生態社會世界公民憲章》強調了整合本土知識和整體方法來促進全球和平與和諧的必要性。

On 27 March 1953, the Canadian Government presented seven nickel-silver doors for the General Assembly building. On the exterior of each one of them are four panels in bas-relief symbolizing fraternity (inset), peace, justice, and truth.

加拿大贈送聯合國的大會大樓大門。每個紀念碑的外部都有四個淺浮雕板,分別象徵著博愛(插圖)、和平、正義和真理。© 聯合國/DN

On the International Day of Human Fraternity (4 February), the need for renewed commitment to equality, unity, and mutual respect —as discrimination and intolerance continue to rise— has never been more critical. The “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” Declaration—co-authored by Pope Francis and Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmed El-Teyeb—serves as a vital framework for interfaith harmony and peaceful coexistence. Guided by this vision, recognizing humanity’s shared bonds and working together toward a future rooted in solidarity and peace remain essential.




Together, we can pave the way for a more peaceful, inclusive and just world for all people.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres

人類兄弟情誼促進和平與合作 Human fraternity for peace and cooperation




在此框架內,大會注意到所有國際、區域、國家和地方的適當舉措以及宗教領袖為促進宗教間和文化間對話所做的努力,並在這方面注意到2019 年2 月4 日,教皇方濟各與艾資哈爾大伊瑪目艾哈邁德·泰伊佈在阿布扎比簽署了題為“人類兄弟情誼促進世界和平與共同生活”的文件。

We need — perhaps more than ever before — to recognize the valuable contribution of people of all religions, or beliefs, to humanity and the contribution that dialogue among all religious groups can make towards an improved awareness and understanding of the common values shared by all humankind.

We also need to underline the importance of raising awareness about different cultures and religions, or beliefs, and the promotion of tolerance, which involves societal acceptance and respect for religious and cultural diversity, including with regard to religious expression. Education, in particular at school, should contribute in a meaningful way to promoting tolerance and the elimination of discrimination based on religion or belief.

Furthermore, we must acknowledge that  tolerance,  pluralistic  tradition,  mutual  respect  and  the diversity of religions and beliefs promote human fraternity. Thus, it is imperative that we encourage activities  aimed  at  promoting  interreligious  and  intercultural dialogue in  order to  enhance peace  and social  stability,  respect for  diversity and mutual respect and to create, at the global level, and also at the regional, national and local levels, an environment conducive to peace and mutual understanding.

Within that frame, the General-Assembly took note of  all  international,  regional,  national  and  local  initiatives,  as appropriate,  as  well as  efforts  by religious leaders, to promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue, and in this regard took note also of the meeting between Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad al-Tayyib, on 4 February 2019 in Abu Dhabi, which resulted in the signing of the document entitled “Human fraternity for world peace and living together”.


1999 年,大會第 53/243 號決議通過了《和平文化宣言和行動綱領》,這是國際社會,特別是聯合國系統促進和平文化的普遍任務非暴力使全人類受益,包括子孫後代。

該宣言源自於聯合國教科文組織《憲章》中長期以來備受推崇的理念,即“戰爭源於人之思想,故亦應於人之思想中築起保衛和平之屏障。” “ 《宣言》秉持的原則是,和平不僅僅是沒有衝突,還需要一個積極、動態的參與進程,在這一進程中鼓勵對話,並本著相互理解和合作的精神解決衝突。

2010 年10 月20 日,聯合國大會在第A/RES/65/5 號決議中指出,相互理解和宗教間對話是和平文化的重要方面,並設立了世界不同信仰間和諧週,以促進不同信仰間人民之間的和諧。它進一步認識到不同信仰和宗教之間對話的必要性,以增進人民之間的相互理解、和諧與合作。


Following the devastation of the Second World War, the United Nations was established to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. One of its purposes is to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems, including by promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

In 1999, The General-Assembly adopted, by resolution 53/243, the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, which serves as the universal mandate for the international community, particularly the United Nations system, to promote a culture of peace and non-violence that benefits all of humanity, including future generations.

The declaration came about as a result of the long-held and cherished concept — contained within the Constitution of UNESCO — that "since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed." The Declaration embraces the principle that peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but also requires a positive, dynamic participatory process, in which dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are resolved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation.

On 20 October 2010, the General Assembly in resolution A/RES/65/5 pointed out that mutual understanding and interreligious dialogue constitute important dimensions of a culture of peace and established World Interfaith Harmony Week as a way to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith. It further recognized the imperative need for dialogue among different faiths and religions to enhance mutual understanding, harmony and cooperation among people.

At the core of all the faith systems and traditions is the recognition that we are all in this together and that we need to love and support one another to live in harmony and peace in an environmentally sustainable world. Our world continues to be beset by conflict and intolerance with rising number of refugees and the internally displaced in a hostile and unwelcoming world around them. We are also, unfortunately, witnessing messages of hate spreading discord among people. The need for spiritual guidance has never been greater. It is imperative that we double our efforts to spread the message of good neighborliness based on our common humanity, a message shared by all faith traditions.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 4 February as the International Day of Human Fraternity, with resolution 75/200.



What is the Culture of Peace?
A culture of peace is a set of values, attitudes, traditions and modes of behaviour and ways of life based on:

Respect for life, ending of violence and promotion and practice of non-violence through education, dialogue and cooperation;Full respect for the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of States and non-intervention in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any State, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law;Full respect for and promotion of all human rights and fundamental freedoms;Commitment to peaceful settlement of conflicts;Efforts to meet the developmental and environmental needs of present and future generations;Respect for and promotion of the right to development; Respect for and promotion of equal rights and opportunities for women and men;Respect for and promotion of the right of everyone to freedom of expression, opinion and information;Adherence to the principles of freedom, justice, democracy, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, pluralism, cultural diversity, dialogue and understanding at all levels of society and among nations; and fostered by an enabling national and international environment conducive to peace.

2019 年 12 月 19 日,聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯在梵蒂岡拜訪教皇方濟各時表示:“在這動盪和艱難的時期,我們必須共同維護和平與和諧。”古特雷斯對這位天主教領袖“為促進不同宗教間關係做出的傑出貢獻”表示“深切感謝”,包括他與艾資哈爾大伊瑪目就人類友愛、促進世界和平與共同生活發表的具有里程碑意義的宣言。秘書長說:“當我們看到宗教自由和信徒生命遭受如此嚴重的攻擊時,這一宣言極為重要。”

UN chief visits Pope Francis at the Vatican
While visiting with Pope Francis at the Vatican on 19 December 2019, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said: “In these turbulent and trying times, we must stand together for peace and harmony.” Mr. Guterres conveyed his “deep appreciation” for the Catholic leader’s “extraordinary service in promoting interfaith relations,” including his landmark declaration with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar on human fraternity for world peace and living together. “This declaration is extremely important when we see such dramatic attacks on religious freedom and the lives of believers,” said the Secretary-General.


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