Negotiating for disarmament

日期:2024/01/22   IAE GCWPA

United Nations Secretary-General Secretary-General António Guterres addresses the Conference on Disarmament’s High-Level Segment 2019, Palais des Nations, 25 February 2019. UN Photo by Antoine Tardy.

Negotiating for disarmament

The goals of multilateral disarmament and arms limitation are central to the UN’s efforts to maintain international peace and security. The Conference on Disarmament is a multilateral disarmament negotiating forum of the international community. The Conference is comprised of 65 member States, including the five NPT nuclear-weapon States and 60 other States of key military significance. In addition, non-member States participate, upon their request. The first part of the annual session of the Conference on Disarmament kicks off on 22 January and will run through 28 March.

Agenda items of the CD 

Currently, the CD focuses its work on the following agenda items: 

  1. Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament. 
  2. Prevention of nuclear war, including all related matters. 
  3. Prevention of an arms race in outer space. 
  4. Effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. 
  5. New types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons. 
  6. Comprehensive programme of disarmament. 
  7. Transparency in armaments. 


多邊裁軍和軍備限制的目標是聯合國維護國際和平與安全努力的核心。 裁軍談判會議是國際社會的多邊裁軍談判論壇。 會議由 65 個成員國組成,其中包括《不擴散條約》五個核武國家和其他 60 個具有重要軍事意義的國家。 此外,非成員國也可應要求參加。 裁軍談判會議年度會議第一期會議於1月22日開幕,並將持續至3月28日。

1. 停止核武軍備競賽和核裁軍。
2. 防止核戰,包括所有相關事項。
4. 確保不對無核武國家使用或威脅使用核武的有效國際安排。
5.新型大規模殺傷性武器及其新系統; 放射性武器。
6. 綜合裁軍方案。
7. 軍備透明度。