Ignition confirmed in a nuclear fusion experiment for the first time
A 2021 experiment achieved the landmark milestone of nuclear fusion ignition, which data analysis has now confirmed – but attempts to recreate it over the last year haven’t been able to reach ignition again

2021 年的一項實驗實現了核聚變點火的里程碑式里程碑,數據分析現已證實這一點——但去年嘗試重建它的嘗試未能再次實現點火

T806G0 LLNL, National Ignition Facility Preamplifiers, 2012

勞倫斯利弗莫爾國家實驗室的國家點火裝置/The National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


我們有點火。 一項分析證實,2021 年進行的一項實驗創造了一種能量足以自我維持的聚變反應,這使其更接近作為一種有用的能源。

聚變點火於 2021 年 8 月 8 日在加利福尼亞州勞倫斯利弗莫爾國家實驗室的國家點火設施 (NIF) 進行,但自那以後,NIF 的研究人員一直無法重現這一里程碑式的成就。 在過去的一年裡,他們一直在分析實驗條件……

The National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

We have ignition. An analysis has confirmed that an experiment conducted in 2021 created a fusion reaction energetic enough to be self-sustaining, which brings it one step closer to being useful as a source of energy.

The fusion ignition took place on 8 August 2021 at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California, but NIF researchers haven’t been able to reproduce this landmark achievement since. They have spent the past year analysing the experimental conditions that …