Scientists working at a nuclear fusion facility in Oxford announced a record-breaking result. And while there's still a lot to figure out to make fusion viable, this brings us one step closer to realizing a technology with huge potential for clean energy. Correction: 3:45 Here we said, “In this experiment, JET ran for five seconds before its magnets got too hot. We use time to measure energy output, so running the numbers we get 11 megawatts of energy. Now, that’s honestly not a ton. About the same as the energy a household uses in a day.” When we should have used a measurement of energy and not power. So the generator made ~16.4 kWh or about 55% of what a U.S household uses per day.

在牛津核聚變設施工作的科學家宣布了一項破紀錄的結果。 雖然要使核聚變可行還有很多工作要做,但這使我們離實現具有巨大清潔能源潛力的技術又近了一步。

“在這個實驗中,JET 在它的磁鐵變得太熱之前運行了五秒鐘。 我們使用時間來測量能量輸出,因此運行數字我們得到 11 兆瓦的能量。 現在,老實說,這不是一噸。 大約相當於一個家庭一天使用的能源。” 當我們應該使用能量而不是功率的測量時。 因此,這台發電機的發電量約為 16.4 千瓦時,約占美國家庭每天使用量的 55%。


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